Scotty’s Little Soldiers took over Condover Hall at the weekend as children who have lost a parent serving in the military were invited for a special day.
A traumatising and harrowing time for any family, the party provided a platform for children to take part in various activities across the themed rooms in a bid to rekindle love and laughter. 268 children, including Lee Rigby’s son, were in attendance. The Sun caught up with Fusilier Lee Rigby’s wife who recounted the tough period her son and family had been through immediately after the father’s death. Seeing her son smile again as he ran round with other children at the Scotty’s Little Soldiers in our Shropshire activity centre brought about its own emotions as smiles returned.
Condover Hall’s JCA team supported the charity in setting up the centre in preparation for the families visiting at the weekend. Themed rooms based around Hogwarts, Narnia, Mission Impossible, and Peter Pan provided a fantastical world filled with interactive activities.
Coronation Street actor Simon Gregson joined in with the fun at Condover Hall. Supporting the charity for the past five years, the ITV star who has had family serve in the military met with parents and children providing a friendly face to share stories with. Check out a few of the images captured leading up to the event at Condover Hall.